Have you ever suffered leakage from your vape device? Have you ever made a mess of e-liquid all over both hands or in your mouth? What drives you into frustration or panic? It’s quite a common occurrence whether in beginners or experienced vapers. If there is a leaking on your device, Here are some guides to fix it.
Filling the vape tank correctly
Though the liquid chamber with limited storage, and someone tends to make extreme use of the space overfilling the tank which caused the disaster.
Connecting all the components securely and properly
Make sure the filling port is closed tightly. Sometimes loose screw is an essential cause of leakage. When you fill with e-liquid in a hurry, and just forgot closing the plug carelessly

Check the coil
The most crucial element is the coils. Using an overused coil or a defective coil that makes the device likely to leak or even damage. Additionally, make sure your coil is properly installed and secure, as a badly installed coil can also cause a leak. Make a double-check and tighten your coil. Last, priming the device only by adding several drops of liquid. Over-priming would cause leaking and spitting back.
Use the recommended wattage
Paired with low or high power, your coil will not receive enough power to produce vapor or over-evaporate, resulting in a burnt taste.

Choose the right e — liquid
All coils have different resistance and are suitable for different types of vape juice. Different VG and PG ratings in e-liquids make the liquid thicker or thinner. To prevent leakage, we recommend using higher VG e-liquids, which are often thicker in consistency

Keep the device upright
As we all know that liquid flows downside. Attempt to keep your vape store vertically if you’re not using it for extended periods.

In summary, these are some common problems that trigger vape leakage. We hope that the above tips can help you lessen the annoying leaking condition and enjoy a decent and pleasing time. Stay tuned and keep an eye on our new updated!